Friday, April 23, 2010

Spread Your Wings and Fly

I had the privilege of giving Reflexology treatments to several ladies of the Positive Women's group in Auckland .Myself and a  friend had the opportunity and a privilege to let these ladies for the first time experience this amazing therapy. Most commented they wanted more and wanted us to stay on longer!
We were treated to royal dainties, morning and afternoon tea, and such a variety of food, all so healthy for lunch , it was easy to give back. I am very passionate about my profession and love working with and for people who want to take their health to another level.
I had the privilege to share some of the cutting-edge technology with them. I have seen some amazing things in the health industry over my years of study , but this one astounded me far beyond any other.
Thanks to 4Life and Transfer Factor I now can do the things I was told I could not do. It has boosted my immune system so I have more energy and strength to do Reflexology. In my class today, the  girls commented on the strength of my hands. I am thankful now I can give back to the community .
To find out more about this amazing product visit my website :